サティア サイ教育協会(ISSE)概要
Overview of ISSE Japan
〒153-0043 東京都目黒区東山1-30-8
Email contact@isse-jp.org
URL http://www.isse-jp.org/
比良 佳代子
松見 紀佳
石井 真
学校部 教材出版部 ファミリー部 調査研究部 総務部 経理部 教師会 保護者会
第4522226号 サティア サイ教育協会/SSEHV(図形含む)
第4031397号 S.S.E.H.V./サティアサイ人格形成教育
第4628189号 エデュケア/EDUCARE
Overview of ISSE Japan
The Institute of Sathya Sai Education is a non-profit organization whose aim is the propagation of education based on the five values of truth, right conduct, peace, love, and non-violence.
The Institute of Sathya Sai Education (ISSE) is a non-profit international organization founded in Japan in 1996 whose aims are the establishment of morals education, and the propagation of character education, based on five universal values (Love, Truth, Right Conduct, Peace and Non-Violence), and teacher training, The Institute has been inaugurated in over 30 countries throughout the world, where volunteer teachers are actively conducting programs.
The Institute conducts classes and teacher training courses in the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) Program, Parenting Workshops, and the annual “Moral Day.”
ISSE conducts a type of moral education called Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV). This is a voluntary program conducted by licensed educators who have received special training. ISSE has conducted this training for approximately 700 people in Japan. The firmly established techniques for teaching the 5 moral values, researched and developed over the course of many years, are at present being taught nationwide at 7 locations (includes unofficial class) by trained, dedicated teachers.
Additionally, since 1996, in order to commemorate the inauguration of the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) Program in Japan, ISSE has held the annual “Moral Day,” sponsored by local Boards of Education in each region, aimed at the cognition of and revival of human values. In 2002, with the support of the Osaka Prefectural Board of Education, Human Values Drama Festival for high school students was held. In September of 2000, the first international conference sponsored by the Institute, titled, “Strengthening Human Values Education, Innovative Approaches to Teacher Education for Increased Peace and International Understanding” was held in Puttaparthi, India.
Furthermore, the Institute conducts various school support programs for educators and Parenting Workshops for parents. ISSE also publishes materials on educational philosophy and educational manuals.
Address: 1-30-8, Higashiyama, Meguro, Tokyo 153-0043 JAPAN
Email: contact@isse-jp.org
Inaugurated on April 1, 1994 (as Education Wing of SSOJ)
Established on April 1, 1998 (as Institute of Sathya Sai Education)
Managing Director: Ryuko Hira
Directors: Noriyoshi Matsumi, Kayoko Hira
Chief Secretary: Makoto Ishii
Structure of Organization: School Dept. / Publication Dept./ Family Dept. / Research Dept. / General Affairs Dept./ Accounting Dept. / SSEHV Teachers' Association / SSEHV Parents' Association
SSEHV Class: Yamato-city
Number of Trained SSEHV Teachers: approx. 700
Business Year: end of March
Registered Trademarks in Japan:
第4522226号 サティア サイ教育協会/SSEHV(図形含む)
第4031397号 S.S.E.H.V./サティア サイ人格形成教育
第4628189号 エデュケア/EDUCARE