SSEHV Seminar
SSEHV(Sathya Sai Education in Human Values サティア サイ ヒューマンバリューズ教育・人格形成教育)は、黙想・積極的思考・物語・音楽・グループ活動という五つの教授法を用いて、人格・品格・美徳を構成するヒューマンバリューズ(人間的価値)を引き出す教育プログラムです。世界95か国で実施され、インド・タイ・カザフスタン・フィリピン・台湾などでは国を挙げて取り入れられ、大きな成果を上げています。特にタイにはモデル校があり、教育関係者、公・私立学校教員、政府関係者が頻繁に視察に訪れています。最近では、社員教育や従業員教育にも応用されるようになりました。
9:00 受付開始
10:00 開会式
10:15 ヒューマン バリューズと教育の目的
12:15 昼食
13:15 SSEHVの理論と教授法の紹介
15:00 休憩
15:30 世界のサイ スクールの紹介
16:00 教授法1 物語
16:45 教授法2 音楽
17:30 教授法3 グループ活動
18:30 夕食
19:30 1日目終了
9:30 教授法4 黙想
10:30 教授法5 積極的思考
11:15 親のあり方
12:15 昼食
13:15 理系の教科にヒューマン バリューズをどのように取り入れるか
14:00 文系の教科にヒューマン バリューズどのように取り入れるか
14:30 教材の作り方
15:00 休憩
15:30 SSEHVクラスのデモンストレーション
16:45 質疑応答
17:15 ISSEについて
17:45 認定書授与
18:00 閉会式
18:30 終了
SSEHV Seminar
Basically, ISSE Japan offers SSEHV Seminar in Japanese language.
SSEHV Diploma Courses in English language are being offered by ISSEs in Thailand, Zambia, South Africa, Australia, India and some Latin American countries. In continental Europe, the Diploma is not a recognised qualification. The intensive training courses that the Academy in Europe runs may extend over several weeks but are not followed by the formal award of a Diploma. The ISSE in UK (BISSE) does not offer any Diploma course but offers SSEHV courses that lead to accreditation by the Open College Network.
Diploma Course in Thailand
Since 1987, teacher training in Sathya Sai Education in Human Values has been conducted for private and public Thai teachers in Bangkok and other regions of Thailand. Already more than 40,000 teachers have undergone the introductory training.
On the 24th of April, 1998, the Institute of Sathya Sai Education, established in 1997 under the guidance of Dr. Art-Ong Jumsai, was granted official recognition by the Thai Ministry of Education. This Institution is the central organization for teacher training in Sathya Sai Education in Human Values, and currently conducts two yearly diploma courses primarily for teachers and those involved in children’s education. Students learn in-depth about the theory of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values, as well as learning how to translate this into practice. As the Institute is situated inside the school grounds of the Sathya Sai School, students have opportunities for first-hand experience inside the classrooms.
Courses last for three months, and are conducted entirely in English
Diplomas are conferred, and students additionally attain practical teaching experience
After completing the Course, students will become qualified teachers and trainers of SSEHV
Those who wish to further their studies and gain further teaching experience have the opportunity of continuing on to the Advanced Course. Advanced Course students prepare an original thesis about some area of importance related to Education in Values.